Plugin Tag: qr
SEPA QR-Code for Woocommerce
(0 total ratings)Free plugin that adds a SEPA-QR Code for bank transfer payments (bacs) in the WooCommerce emails and order confirmation screen.
QR User Login
(2 total ratings)Allow users to login using a link (or QR code). This plugin can be used for create custom event invitation, for example: wedding, etc.
QR Links
(0 total ratings)QR code generator and redirection of mobile devices to their own application sites (Libraries used: PHP QR Code, Mobile Detect).
(0 total ratings)The connection between the xamoom CMS and WordPress. Use your great mobile content also on the desktop.
QR wordPress plugin
(0 total ratings)获取日志的 QR 二维码/The plug-in can easily obtain the log-dimensional QR code
(1 total ratings)Generator Naloga za uplatu (uplatnice) i NBS IPS QR kodova za uplatu putem mobilnog telefona.
Personal QR Message
(0 total ratings)WordPress plugin to create a personal QR message for the buyer.
Wolfe Candy QR Code Generator
(0 total ratings)Displays at QR code dynaically on a page or post with URL to that page/post.