Plugin Tag: Github
DX GitHub Badge
(0 total ratings)Display simple GitHub profile badge. Works with widget or placing a shortcode.
Front Page to Category
(0 total ratings)Make front page links go to the post's category page instead. Useful for increasing page views.
PCSH (PastaCode and SyntaxHighlighter)
(2 total ratings)Use PCSH to add code into your posts with the awesome SyntaxHighlighter plugin. So, past'a code!
Simple Gist Embed
(0 total ratings)This plugin lets you embed Github's Gists in your posts or pages, but the main deference is that this plugin also enables you to create Gists wit …
WP GitHub Sync Meta
(0 total ratings)A WordPress plugin to sync meta, tags and categories with a GitHub via wp-github-sync
Sync Footer Widget
(1 total ratings)This plugin allows you to sync and display footer content from a GitHub Page URL in a widget area on your WordPress site.
GitHub Gists Sidebar Widget
(0 total ratings)A sidebar widget to display your public gists from GitHub.
GitHub Repository Shortcode
(0 total ratings)Add a snapshot of your GitHub repository to any page or post on your WordPress blog.
Easy GitHub Gist Shortcodes
(0 total ratings)Requires at least 3.0 Tested up to 3.3.1 Stable tag: 1.0 This plugin allows using shortcodes to insert GitHub Gists in any content, use [gist id=&quo …
(0 total ratings)Embed github content in your wordpress site. Either in a post or a widget you can get a file list, repositories or a single file from github.
Posts and Pages GitHub Backup
(0 total ratings)Backups WordPress content of your posts and pages to GitHub
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to deploy your WordPress site source code from git repository using webhooks.
Gitdown: Git Repository to WordPress Blog Posts
(0 total ratings)Use Gitdown to Publish Markdown Posts from a repository to your WordPress Blog.