This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

CPS | Age Verification


NEW WooCommerce Settings Arrived for Premium version!

This plugin is showing a Popup for visitors to verify their ages on your page. YES button will close the Popup and visitors can continue reading your content. NO button will redirect visitors to another URL, set by you to inform them about your policy.

The CPS | Age Verification plugin can be used on 18+ adult sites, restricted content websites or any websites, where a visitor confirmation about age, knowledge, warning is necessary to continue reading the website. Even can be used for online marketing tricks.

This plugin can be an alternative for other Cookie Notice plugins to inform users that your site uses cookies and to comply with the EU cookie law regulations.

Cache Proof Technology

The CPS | Age Verification plugin is compatible with all kind of cache systems. It even works with all managed WordPress hostings’ server side cache solutions.

IMPORTANT: the popup is intentionally obtrusive and can not be closed, except clicking on the yes or no buttons. In the Premium version, you can enable the close function, but it is not recommended.

Free version features

  • Popup Positions
  • Customizations
  • Developer Friendly
  • WPML & Polylang Compatible

Additional features in the Premium version

  • Header Image Field / Logo
  • Set Background Image
  • Popup Styles
  • Popup Themes
  • Button Styles
  • Dark mode
  • Other Customizations
  • Membership Mode
  • Close Popup
  • Popup Delay
  • Cookie Control
  • WooCommerce Settings

Features in details

Popup Positions

You can set where to show the popup, for example: only on frontpage, only on category pages, only on special pages or posts, even for Custom Post Types and more…


Every text is customizable, even the button’s texts! You can also set the design of the buttons and you have the option to make the first or the second button to be the confirmation button.

Developer Friendly

If you enable debug mode, popup will show always, on every refresh, so you can test how it works.

WPML & Polylang Compatible

If you have a multilingual website, you can set the texts for each language with WPML String Translation add-on.

Header Image Field / Logo

You can upload an image or logo, that will display above the title. It can be an icon also. Make your popup to fit your website and brand.

Set Background Image

Custom background image for the popup. It will cover the entire screen with your beautiful background. One of the best design feature to wow your visitors.

Popup Styles

There are popup styles to choose the look and feel of the popup: Default, Almost Flat and Gradient. Fit the style to your website easily.

Popup Themes

There are popup themes to choose the design, you like. The Full Page Themes are hiding the entire content behind the popup. There are a lot of design settings to make the popup fit your website design. Dark mode is also available.

Button Styles

Choose from one of the pre-defined button styles to fit your message and design. You can set custom style for your “yes” and for your “no” button individually.

Dark mode

Welcome to the dark side! If you prefer dark design, this feature is for you. Choose this option also, when you have a dark background image.

Membership Mode

You can disable popup for logged in users, so your members will not see any popups at all. You can always show the popup to all visitors, who are not logged in, even if they clicked on the Yes button. There is a “One button mode” also, that will hide the second button, so you can show only one option to your visitors. This option is best paired with the “always show to all visitors, who are not logged in” option, so you can keep your content safe.

Close Popup

Yes, I know, the point of an age verification popup is, that it can not be closed without the consent. But some of you missed this feature, so it is built in. Don’t use, if you don’t need it!

Popup Delay

Set your preferred time to delay the popup after the page is loaded. Maybe you want your visitors to have a few seconds to see the webpage and only then ask them to consent your conditions.

Cookie Control

Set cookie expiration for visitors, so the popup won’t show again in X days, you set.

WooCommerce Settings

Set the popup to show it on WooCommerce pages: Shop, Cart, Checkout, Account pages, single Products or Product category and tag archive pages.

Developer informations

Do you want to contribute to the plugin development?

You can find the plugin source code on GitHub:

More projects on GitHub:

You are welcome to contribute to our free softwares.

Want to know more about us?

Check our website: Cherry Pick Studios


Automatic installation

  1. Search for the plugin CPS | Age Verification under “Plugins -> Add New” menu item.
  2. Click on the “Install Now” button in the plugin’s box.
  3. After installation, click on the “Activate” button in the same box to activate CPS | Age Verification plugin.
  4. Under the plugin’s settings menu, set up the popup.
  5. That’s all. ๐Ÿ™‚

Manual installation on WordPress admin

  1. Download the plugin from here: CPS | Age Verification
  2. Upload the file on the “Plugins -> Add New” page by clicking on the “Upload Plugin” button.
  3. Activate the CPS | Age Verification plugin after the upload.
  4. Under the plugin’s settings menu, set up the popup.
  5. That’s all. ๐Ÿ™‚

Manual installation via FTP

  1. Download the plugin from here: CPS | Age Verification
  2. Uncompress the zip file on your local computer.
  3. Upload the surbma-yes-no-popup folder into your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  4. Activate the CPS | Age Verification plugin on the “Plugins” page.
  5. Under the plugin’s settings menu, set up the popup.
  6. That’s all. ๐Ÿ™‚


What is this plugin good for?

This plugin shows a simple popup with two options: Yes or No. One option is set a cookie, so popup will disappear for the visitor and the other option is redirecting the visitor to another url set by you. This solution is very good for +18 adult sites or any other website, that require any confirmation. This plugin can be used by online marketers also.

What does Surbma mean?

It is the reverse version of my last name. ๐Ÿ˜‰


September 15, 2022 4 replies
The plugin is easy to use and it worked perfectly on my WordPress site. I would definitely recommend this plugin to anyone who is looking for an age restriction solution. Best Customer support in the industry.
September 20, 2017 1 reply
Finally, a plugin of this nature that is simple and to-the-point. It does exactly what it says it will do (surprisingly rare these days), actually looks decent out of the box, and is easy to customize through your theme’s style.css. About the only other feature I wish it had is the ability to trigger the popup by post tag, but doing it by category works good enough for now.
August 24, 2017 1 reply
Its a simple plugin but the support is great. The creator of this plugin responds even in a min. Also this plugin do what other warning plugins cant do.
Read all 7 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“CPS | Age Verification” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




Release date: 2023-07-11


  • Popup can now set to show on specified post tags archive pages and on posts, that have the specified tags.


  • Code optimizations.
  • WooCommerce settings are preserved, even if Premium license is not valid.


  • NEW – Show popup on all product pages.
  • NEW – Show popup on specified product category pages and single product pages, that have the specified categories.
  • NEW – Show popup on specified product tag pages and single product pages, that have the specified tags.


Release date: 2023-07-05


  • Freemius SDK updated to latest version.


Release date: 2023-04-08


  • Freemius SDK updated to 2.5.6 version.


Release date: 2023-03-25


  • Tested with WordPress 6.2 version.


  • Freemius SDK updated to 2.5.5 version.


Release date: 2022-09-15


  • Premium version fee updated to current price in admin notification.
  • Tested with WordPress 6.1 version.


Release date: 2022-03-03


  • Tested with WordPress 5.9 version.


  • Freemius SDK updated to 2.4.3 version.


Release date: 2021-03-13


  • Fixes some PHP warnings.
  • Popup display conditions are refactored.
  • Fixed checking, when visitor is on the redirected page.


  • Tested with WordPress 5.7 version.
  • Changed minimum PHP requirement.


  • Freemius SDK updated to 2.4.2 version.


Release date: 2020-10-11


  • Tested with WordPress 5.5 version.
  • PREMIUM – Freemius SDK updated to version.


Release date: 2020-04-25


  • CPS SDK updated to 6.0 version.


Release date: 2020-04-24


  • PREMIUM – New settings for WooCommerce pages: Shop, Cart, Checkout, Account and Product archives.


  • Minor CSS fix for popup.


  • CPS SDK updated to 5.10 version.
  • Modifications in description.


Release date: 2020-04-21


  • Let Freemius show coupon field.


Release date: 2019-08-23

Minor, but important changes under the hood. Sorry, no new features now. It is safe to update the plugin.


  • Added missing descriptions.
  • Tested with WordPress 5.3 version.
  • Updated to use a new way to deploy it to repo.
  • PREMIUM – Freemius SDK updated to 2.3.2 version.


Release date: 2019-08-23

It is a minor release with a new CPS SDK under the hood. It is safe to update the plugin on a production website.


  • CPS SDK updated to 5.3 version.


Release date: 2019-08-21

This is a maintenance release with some small fixes. It is safe to update the plugin on a production website.


  • Force remove any margin or padding above the popup’s header and footer elements.
  • Popup background CSS fix, if no background image is set.
  • Minor text modifications and typo fixes.


Release date: 2019-07-24

The Age Verification Premium is here! There are a lot of new and fantastic features to manage and design your Age Verification popup. Please consider to buy the Premium version not only for the new features, but for supporting our work.

IMPORTANT! A lot of new codes are added and modified. The logic of the design is changed under the hood. There are options also, that were moved to Premium only features. These options can not be changed in the free version, but you can keep your current options without losing it.


  • New premium options added to the admin.
  • PREMIUM – Add Image to the header.
  • PREMIUM – Add background image to the popup.
  • PREMIUM – A lot of cool design features added, like Dark mode, Vertical centering, Large modifier, etc.
  • PREMIUM – You can enable closing the popup with a button, ESC or clicking on the background.
  • PREMIUM – Give delay to the popup.


  • Code optimization from the ground up.
  • A lot of security hardening for input elements.
  • Validation enhancements.
  • Added new field for WPML translation.


  • Changes in the description.
  • Settings page sidebar changes.
  • Welcome notice added.


Release date: 2019-07-18

Welcome in the CPS world! Plugin is rebranded for Cherry Pick Studios brand. This release added a new popup image option to show an image or logo on the popup. There is also a new option to choose the style of the popup window and buttons. The CPS SDK is added to the plugin.


  • New plugin name and brand.
  • Image field for the popup.
  • Three new style: default, almost flat, gradient.


  • UIkit framework added to the plugin.
  • UIkit is updated to 2.27.5 version.
  • Javascript functions got unique names to avoid conflicts.
  • The admin function has been switched to CPS SDK.
  • CSS and JS files are moved to assets folder.
  • UIkit framework moved to vendors folder.
  • Admin menu moved under the CPS Plugins main menu.


  • Tested with WordPress 5.2 version.
  • Added minimum PHP version requirement.


  • NEW – Dynamic post type selection. Automatically shows all available public post types to choose. IMPORTANT! You have to set these options again after the upgrade!
  • Tested with WordPress 5.0 version.


  • NEW – Simple versioning.
  • NEW – Plugin name change: Surbma | Age Verification Yes/No Popup


  • Added WPML compability, so now options can be translated with WPML’s String Translation.


  • Admin UI code enhancements.


  • NEW admin UI.
  • Added Donation link.
  • Tested with WordPress 4.9 version.


  • Membership mode! New options for membership sites.
  • Added “Always show Popup for NOT logged in users” option.
  • Added “One button mode (Show only Popup Button 1)” option.
  • Added “Except on this page” option to “EVERYWHERE” option, to let you choose one page, where the popup will not show up. Good for registration or login pages.


  • Improved cookie read method to make it compatible with server side caching.
  • Added Debug mode option to settings page.
  • Added Hide Popup for logged in users option to settings page.
  • Tested with WordPress 4.8 version.


  • Added new condition: post category.


  • Minor CSS fix for buttons with long text.


  • NEW Feature: Themes. There are 3 new themes added now and more are coming. Check out the two new full page themes to hide everything behind the popup!


  • Admin styles are loading from local file, instead of external CDN. This is a strict plugin development rule.


  • First version to prepare for the official WordPress repo.
  • Added option to conditionally show popup.
  • Added option to set cookie expiration.
  • Added debug mode, so popup will show always.


  • A lot of changes to make it work actually.
  • Added settings page.
  • Every text can be modified.


  • Initial commit.